In Our Time
在我们的时代里 / in our time
2012年上海双年展 “造化”单元
The 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012 – Reactivation, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum
Curator’s comments →

安静的身体/ The Quiet Bodies
Installation, material: spent fireworks casing, Dimension variable, 2011-2012
现场照片,第9 届上海双年展,上海当代艺术博物馆,2012
Spot Photo,The 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012 – Reactivation, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum, 2012

歌喉/ Voice
Installation, Birthday musical greeting cards,and batteries slowly run out, Variable size, 2012
现场照片,第9 届上海双年展,上海当代艺术博物馆,2012
Spot Photo,The 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012 – Reactivation, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum, 2012

片刻之光/ The Light of Transience
录像,37 分钟,2011
Video, 37′, 2011
现场照片,第9 届上海双年展,上海当代艺术博物馆,2010
Spot Photo,The 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012 – Reactivation,Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum, 2012