蒋志|Jiangzhi Jiangzhi 2014-07-31T19:07:10Z http://www.jiangzhi.net/ WordPress admin <![CDATA[Concealing Instead of Manifesting]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2014-02-02T09:34:45Z 2013-11-02T09:21:48Z




If we dated back to 1997, the time when Jiang Zhi began his early artistic creation, since then he has  been exploring varied words and expressions to define and counter- define his art territory. In 2006 he developed a series of motif-works with the use of light, such as his ” Once Things Happen ” series, in which it revealed not only he is extremely sensitive but also he positively feeds back towards the social issues in his time and era. In 2008, his work ” 0.7% of salt ” was closely associated with the issues of sociology and which raised doubts unto the relationship between objective events and subjective psychic reactions through the analysis on the specific social events. He expressed his poetic characteristics through the varied definitions of his art works.


Light in Prophet ‘s book metaphors “revelation”, I think Jiang Zhi ‘s art work beholds this kind of interesting track of “revelation”. We once had a short discussion on ” the light of revelation “, I asked : “You do like highlight and expose the hidden secrets of the world, don’t you ? ” He answered: “I tend to use an old saying from China ” hide one’s capacities and bide one’s time”, and for the revealing and manifesting of “light” that is the way of God, once if our human wants to ” demonstrate” something, it will become the light of prejudice, the way of demonstration will finally be non-exist. As I read from an old Chinese literature book: “Heaven and earth is not self-generated, so it can live long or forever.” ”

After “Once Things Happen” series,  he created ” The Transient Light ” in early 2011, and in the following year he created ” God of Small Things “ ; they are all about descriptions of varied light.



Jiang Zhi created two series of art works in the year of 2013; one series is his creation according unto the computer screen system’s mal-function; another one is a video, it is called “Bad World.” He insists that “Bad World” echoes to “bad infinity” which was raised by Hegel. The images were taken in Maldives by a bad camera in June of 2013. It is a camera immersed in water on July 21, 2012 in Pekin, some people lost their lives at that day due to the heavy rain, and Pekin was really heavily flooded on that day. Jiang Zhi’s study room was also flooded, the camera was there then, therefore it still can shoot but it presents another kind of image. But Jiang Zhi believes this kind of image is equal to any other kind of image. He did not abandon this “bad” camera instead he continues to take pictures and shooting videos with it. When I make an analogy between this “bad” camera to the ” blind eye” , Jiang Zhi declared: “It is not blind , it is just showing us a different perception.” Then I think I can comprehend a bit of his art creative intention: Through this ” bad” camera we should not only see the appearance of “blindness”, instead it activates yet another perceptions from ourself towards the exterior world. He actively inspiring the viewer to be stimulated to use another visual angle, or a kind of multidimensional way of seeing, the viewer may perceive more, and the screen will not be void and insignificant then.

Bad World        video       2013


When Jiang Zhi insists to explore another viewing channel with viewers and his “blind eye”, then we may question: After things are corrupted, after the intervals and stagnations of time, what is the significance of being? “Bad World ” is no longer a remote event that had been published on an outdated newspaper, Jiang Zhi brought it out from the limitation of time, and from the retrospection of this event, then every one of us should reflect towards our own significance of life.



For the understanding of phenomenon Jiang Zhi admitted: “All things are built by perceptions and all things are perceptions.” After our discussion, he repeatedly stressed: “All the art works are the fruits of  subjectivity; they are the representations of the author; also they are in front of the viewer ‘s subjective preferential observation, for the subjectivity which is unfixed and changeable, then there will exist neither a determined visual perception or art work, nor there will have the determined representation or event. ”



Jiang Zhi considers the appearance has the characteristics of inauthenticity and concealing. He supposes, in our daily life, we live in our own imaginations and illusive consciousnesses in the  unpredictable and changeable social and cultural context. I consider, the experience of Modernity , such as Benjamin once had described in a century ago: “it is a mechanical reproduction era ” and ” the era of commodity fetishism”. I think that for facing such a destructive, painful experience, we often want to make ourself to be a spectator, or to be a clear minded “marginal observer”. But Jiang Zhi objected me: ” If we are awake, we will be able to clearly know that we will never be “a bystander “,  because there will never exist an “event ” beyond your subjective observation, or there will never exist an “observation” in an objective system. So there will never exist an “event ” beyond the subjective perception, and the “event” is changing unceasingly. Only those who do not have a clear mind will hold the illusion that they can go beyond the subjective “event” .”


His new work, as he has said: “For the external world, we can never see it. …… All we can see are our  own world. ……For the external world, we can never see it directly. If we can never truly experience the external world, does it really exist? What can we attain is only our own world. ” ( ” Faulty Display ” Jiang Zhi ) Finally, I conclude from his deduction: A watching towards art will become an observation towards ourself. We will meet our “another self” in the artist’s creation.



I always appreciate when Breton replied his appreciations for St. Boer’s poetry: “What the Poet wanted to say that had been said .” But Jiang Zhi believes: ” The poet might be more humble, he might say, it is the language which speaks , while himself, mostly, but a lucky recorder, or even he has not been that lucky, because he was not fortunate enough to have the ability to reveal the whole truth. In this situation, sometime, if the poet is lucky enough, he is but the one who has been written by the truth itself.




As for Jiang Zhi, he does not agree that an artist needs to speak clearly everything in his artistic creation, he insists that who claims in the work he has to say some” valuable words “which is undoubtedly arrogant and deceitful, it will be an oppression and an intention of controlling over the viewer. He clarifies: A good author is whom does not speak much in his work.

When we were discussing ” manifesting ” , he insisted “going back and abide concealing”.


                                                            September 14th, 2013 In Venice


admin <![CDATA[在彰显之处,回到隐蔽]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2014-02-02T09:36:48Z 2013-11-02T09:13:13Z  







这一次展览的两个系列的作品,一个是蒋志在计算机显示系统故障的条件下作画。 另一个影像作品,叫做《坏世界》。 我们讨论作品名称的时候,蒋志认为他的《坏世界》是对于黑格尔的“坏无限”的呼应。作品图像是蒋志今年六月在马儿代夫用一个坏相机拍摄的影像。那一部相机因为2012年7月21日北京的一次大雨,他的书房被淹,相机被水浸泡,此后可以拍摄但却是另外一种显像。而蒋志认为这种显像对他来说和任何图像一样都是平等的。同一天的北京城被水淹没,一些人在那一天失去生命。蒋志没有舍弃这部“坏”相机,继续用来拍照和录像。当我用“盲者之眼”来比喻他的旧相机时,蒋志声称:“它没有盲,只是另一种显示而已。”而在表象,通过“坏”相机我们应该不止是看到黑暗。艺术家通过这个方式激发了观者打开另外的观看,一种多维的观看,观者也许会感知更多,不再执着于画面的时候画面将不再是空无。


Bad World        Video       2013



对于现象的认识他深信:“一切唯心所想,唯识所造。”每一次讨论作品之后,他一再强调:“所有的作品都是来自主观的产物; 都是作者主观的呈现;也都是观者主观之眼观看的结果,但因为主观的变动不居,那么就不可能有确定的产物和结果,也没有确定的呈现或事件。”







我一直欣赏布勒东对于圣· 波尔鲁的诗歌的看法和回答:“诗人想说的都已经说了。”蒋志则认为:“诗人会更谦虚,他也许会说,是语言自己在说,而他,最多是一个幸运的记录者。甚至他还没有这个幸运,因为他不够幸运到有能力使真理呈现。在这个过程中,诗人才是一个被书写者。”






                                                                                   2013-9-14 威尼斯

admin <![CDATA[“自我”越坚固,艺术就越小]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2013-01-25T13:12:01Z 2012-11-25T12:55:06Z






















在《不适之时》中,里面有一张布面油画,一层看起来”没有意义“ 的灰色油彩覆盖了里面一层画,“覆盖”是不是对上次痕迹的“取消”?宣布“作废”?比方说,街头一张宣传画,后来被涂刷掉了,我们看到很多文革时候的标语,现在被水泥或别的涂料涂刷覆盖了,我们或多或少能看到一点点以前的痕迹。意图涂抹、覆盖、作废,并不能抹消“过去的时间”,反而凸显和重塑了“过去的时间”。我们会因生活在多重时间中而不适。




2.      那么,在您以前的作品,比如《0.7%的盐》、《香丽平》、杨佳的摄影等作品里,您是否有针对性的去选择您要创作的主体?您在创作这些作品的时候,是否会考虑这些作品的社会功能,无论是舆论上、道德上,还是公共民主上?























admin <![CDATA[Unaccustomed Time]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2013-01-28T16:45:39Z 2012-10-28T16:23:10Z 不适之时

装置  Installation   2012





Spot Photo :瑞信·2012今日艺术奖入围展  (今日美术馆,北京)现场

2个面对面的画架,间距约4米,一个放的是一张被覆盖的画 (脚下有2个黑色垃圾袋已经用过的废弃的物品(工作室垃圾)),一个《天鹅挽歌》2分钟的录像,(脚下有2个黑色的音箱)。一个小时播放一次,因为有这个录像,整个空间会每隔一个小时有爆炸声。其余时间是黑屏。





Two easels are placed face to face with a 4-meter distance in between. On one of them there is a painting which is covered by paints. (Beneath it there are two black trash bags stuffed with all kinds of wastes from the studio). The other displays Swan Song, a two-minute video. (Beneath it there are two black sound boxes.) The video will be played on an hourly basis. Due to that, a sound of explosion can be heard within the space every one hour. During the rest of time, there’ll be nothing but a blank screen.

On one of the walls, a minute hand is kicking constantly.

Beneath the seemingly peaceful and serene surface there lies a violent and devastating sense of instability and insecurity.



一张布面油画,一层看起来”没有意义“ 的灰色油彩覆盖了里面一层画,“覆盖”是不是对上次痕迹的“取消”?宣布“作废”?比方说,街头一张宣传画,后来被涂刷掉了,我们看到很多文革时候的标语,现在被水泥或别的涂料涂刷覆盖了,我们或多或少能看到一点点以前的痕迹。














2012/10/23 蒋志



It is an oil painting on canvas. The painting is covered by a layer of seemingly “meaningless” grey oil paints. Can such “coverage” be deemed as some kind of “cancellation” of previous traces? Is it a declaration of annulment? Take the propaganda posters on street for example. Many of those and slogans during the Cultural Revolution were erased later by cement or other kinds of paints. Now we can only perceive some vague traces of them.

Intentional erasure, coverage and annulment cannot wipe out the “past time”. On the contrary, such actions highlight and reshape the “past time”.

Time is a concept in multiple senses.

In a sense, annulment means to make something become “waste”. Nevertheless, in a new context, such “waste” is imbued with possibilities to become “useful” again. It has the potential to become art.

If put in an art museum, the trash bag filled with waste from the studio can be reckoned as “sculpture”. It happened before. The fact that it happened before per se can also be referred as ready-made.

A two-minute video will be played every one hour. What will happen to the 58 minutes that nothing is shown on the screen? Visitors come to the art museum, eager to look for “artwork”. In an era that believes in time is money, the 58 minutes of blank screen will probably be seen as “trash time”. People are too busy and impatient to wait. Capitalism doesn’t believe in waiting. The world it carves out is convinced that waiting means falling behind and devastation. It throws all of us into a kind of hectic tension, internalizes our subjectivity, and divides time into “usefulness” and “uselessness”. On Weibo, a Chinese version of twitter, an American talk show programme is widely shared, in which the host made joke about Foxconn’s outlook of time. In Foxconn, it was 35 hours a day. In a sense, we become even more capitalist than capitalist societies. Such an outlook of time deconstructs the pattern of exhibition making, enabling visitors to “access work” and to “experience art” in a prompt manner. Such an focus on “high efficiency” is hard to be explained.


By setting the intervals so long I didn’t merely mean to fight against the system. As a matter of fact, to constantly play a video every two minutes will only lead to insensitivity. That’s not what I want.


Moreover, the 58-minute blank screen time, also known as “trash time”, is also a black sculpture.


The minute hand indicates a circular time of the video. When it reaches the same position it was an hour ago, it indicates the timing of regular “explosion”.


It epitomizes a portion of the daily picture in the studio. It can be painting, video, trash, installation or sculpture. It can be private life. It can also be public politics.

Art is not something specific. Its beauty lies in its unlimited potential of “can be”.


Violence is an indispensable part of life. Likewise, it is also an indispensable part of art. As the serenity on the surface may be disturbed by all kinds of accidents, the threat of violence is always pertinent.


2012/10/23, Jiang Zhi





admin <![CDATA[每一次艺术的发生都是平等的]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2013-01-25T13:24:35Z 2012-10-19T13:17:13Z 每一次艺术的发生都是平等的
















































2012年10月 《易拍全球商报》




admin <![CDATA[The 4th Guangzhou Triennial-The Unseen]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2012-10-28T16:53:05Z 2012-10-05T16:08:48Z

Spot photo,The 4th Guangzhou Triennial-The Unseen ((Guang Dong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China)


Try Now-Void No. 1, oil on canvas, 225×300cm, 2011

spoy photo,The 4th Guangzhou Triennial-The Unseen ((Guang Dong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China)


刚登陆的树林之一,布面油画,45×50cm,2012 Jiang Zhi 191
The Woods, after just Having Logged in No.1, oil on canvas, 45×50cm, 2012
The Woods, after just Having Logged in No.2, oil on canvas, 60×80cm, 2012

spoy photo,The 4th Guangzhou Triennial-The Unseen ((Guang Dong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China)


未命名的海浪 之2,布面油画,200×300cm,2012 Jiang Zhi 193
Untitled Wave No.2, oil on canvas, 200×300cm, 2012

spoy photo,The 4th Guangzhou Triennial-The Unseen ((Guang Dong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China)


未命名的海浪 之2,布面油画,200×300cm,2012 Jiang Zhi 193
Untitled Wave No.2, oil on canvas, 200×300cm, 2012

spoy photo,The 4th Guangzhou Triennial-The Unseen ((Guang Dong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China)


未命名的海浪 之一,布面油画,350×240cm,2012 !” 192
Untitled Wave No.1, oil on canvas, 350×240cm, 2012



Jiang Zhi’s new painting series, A Thought Arises, began in
2010. These images are neither the artist’s own expression
based on a personal aesthetic relationship to the real
world, nor are they his digital productions or manipulations;
instead, they are generated by the computer screen itself,
by a system error or delay resulting in the display of an
interrupted interface. As the artist notes, these visual
results “form another spectacle that derives from an inner
and abstract world of the computer. It is a stimulated
momentary world that can be easily changed and reshaped,
and seems to be even more vulnerable, accidental,
unreliable and transient.”
Through a pre-set mechanism within the computer
display, lines and colours propagate and extend in endless
succession following a system error, appearing as abnormal
fragments of digital visualisation. The original screenshots
should not be seen as ‘images’ as per our common
understanding. They are ‘corrupted images’ or ‘faulty
images’, but not ‘false images’; not misrepresentations,
but rather imperfect extensions of something very real
occuring behind the screen. Though the resulting paintings
look abstract and expressive, they are produced through a
realistic method, imitating what was actually displayed.
This series is a new and somewhat democratic
collaboration between computer and owner. The former
is no longer merely a digital ‘assistant’, but acts as an
independent ‘creator’, whilst the latter ‘sees’ its ‘creations’
and transforms them into ‘images’. During this collaboration
‘images’ are produced spontaneously from digital data
and then found and captured by the artist, who ultimately
endorses them through his oil painting reinterpretations.
Now true or false, abstract or realistic, digital or substantial,
copied or invented, artificial or natural have all lost their


from The 4th Guangzhou Triennial-Catalogue- p188


蒋志自2010 年的最新作品系列《一念》是以绘画的形式呈



admin <![CDATA[歌喉/ Voice]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2014-02-02T09:09:33Z 2012-10-02T15:52:06Z 装置,电池慢慢耗光的生日音乐贺卡,可变尺寸,2012
Installation, Birthday musical greeting cards,and batteries slowly run out, Variable size, 2012



现场照片,第9 届上海双年展,上海当代艺术博物馆,2012
Spot Photo,The 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012



admin <![CDATA[安静的身体/ The Quiet Bodies]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2012-10-28T15:51:09Z 2012-10-02T10:20:37Z 装置,材料:燃放过的烟花筒,可变尺寸,2011
Installation, material: spent fireworks casing, Dimension variable, 2011

Spot Phot

Spot Photo, Guanxi : Contemporary Chinese Art, Guang Dong Art Museum, 2011



Spot Photo, Guanxi : Contemporary Chinese Art, Guang Dong Art Museum, 2011


Spot Photo, Guanxi : Contemporary Chinese Art ,Beijing Today Art Museum 2011



现场照片,第9 届上海双年展,上海当代艺术博物馆,2012
Spot Photo,The 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012 – Reactivation,


现场照片,第9 届上海双年展,上海当代艺术博物馆,2012
Spot Photo,The 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012 – Reactivation


admin <![CDATA[In Our Time]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2014-02-02T09:03:55Z 2012-10-02T09:01:07Z  


By:Véronic-Ting CHEN



Frangibility, instability, consumption and finally, disappearance. In a silent space, this process is poetically and aesthetically described: a fully launched fireworks show, a well-performed birthday concert with no audience, an ordinary but transient flush of light. They might be so easily ignored by one who paid little attention. But never mind, it does not matter; the fireworks cannot be seen, just as the concert cannot be heard, just as the light is still the light, which is only “one” light, “some” light.

However, are we strong enough to confront these pain of disappearance straight on?

Both Francis Bacon and Edward Munch’s  Scream have no audience although pain coming out as a scream. One should ask why? Perhaps Hemingway has the answer all along: we are all vulnerable in the face of other’s suffering; we cannot even endure their heartbreaking screams of pain. Or maybe Susan Sontag can give the answer: observing others’ suffering will differentiate ourselves from the sufferers, which will assure us that we are not in acute pain as them, we affirm our own being and receive certain visual pleasure.

Artist is the bystanders of suffering.

Artist is the experimenter of suffering.

We intend to discuss and find out what kind of relationship between others’ disappearance, their suffering and ourselves. How can we demonstrate our agony in front of the public, and how can we make it into “artworks”? Self-affliction, our own hidden pains; how, when, where, and with what can they become others’ grief?


In February 9, 2009, the night of Chinese lantern festival, a fireman end up dead in an extinguishing mission. The cause of fire was because a government official who worked in a public media, insisted of launching contraband level A fireworks at a new and uninspected site of a enterprise, even when the police discouraged this clearly unsafe and unlawful action. This accident resulted a billion dollar loss, in addition to seven firemen injured and one deceased. The deceased fireman should have had his thirtieth birthday in two weeks.

The other story tells like this. In December 26, 2010, a man found a reflective light on a piece of cellophane. On the next day, the light appeared again, and this time, he recorded the incident. At that night, he received the news that his wife has passed away during her trip back to hometown. We can boldly make some assumptions, that as a sign, his record of the coincidental reflective lights adopt a personal emotion to it, and becomes a piece of art due to his wife’s death? However, despite its terribly devastation, this emotion of pain would still be personal. Isn’t it? We can see the lights in the artwork, though we cannot hear the screams behind.

This man was alerted twice at the same time and with the same “signal”, twice! But, he was too late to annotate, discover and even understand what the “signal” meant.  This phrase, “too late,” demonstrates that he could probably still “do” something, but instead he missed the moment of a person’s death without any awareness. This aggrieved regret of which turned into wailing, can be much more painful than the pain of lost, and yet this suffering of the retard to seize sense of events, became something “more than personal”.

In September 30, 2012, this birthday concert will last for the entire night without audience, scream loudly to welcome a new reborn. While in October 1, those welcomed audiences will see the usual silence just as expected.

This might be just one of thousands of other firework that we have ever missed; such as one of thousands of newborn’s lives; and also one of thousands of signals. Every day, with every missed fireworks shows, every missed birthday songs, and every transient light, we may come to aware that what disappear in our time is never the objects themselves but our abilities to perceive the sense of these events. Simultaneously, we suffered not because of the disappearance, but our incapability of perceiving the “loss” that will last.

And meanwhile, the audience is becoming the bystanders of suffering.

The audience is becoming the experimenter of suffering.

admin <![CDATA[在我们的时代里]]> http://www.jiangzhi.net/ 2013-01-28T17:25:56Z 2012-10-01T17:14:15Z


































