事情一旦发生就会变成钉子 Things would turn nails once they happened

Things would turn nails once they happened
Medium: C-Print
Date: 2007


In March of 2007, a dilapidated red brick duplex suddenly became well known. It was located in Yangjiaping, Chongqing 

The duplex was more than 20 meters high with base – standing isolated in a lone pillar in a 10,000 square meters wide and 17 meters deep pit. Supply of water, electricity and gas had been cut-off by the real estate company, and there was not path to access the building at all.  Its isolation makes it appear like a monument.

The plight of the duplex garnered attention and support from international media and the local community, in part strengthened the impact of the strong visual nature of the image as it was circulated upon the website.

 People called it the most stubborn nail house in history. Meanwhile, it was considered as a representative case of the Property Rights Law in China, providing a case study of memory operating between the historical context of the past and the future.

 In the end of March 2007, just a few days before the “the most stubborn nail house” finally being dismantled, Artist Jiang Zhi created a theatrical and magical scene.  Setting up an intense spotlight from the top of a high-rise building nearby at night, the light was projected on the duplex in the darkness – accentuating the prominence of the building just as the main character of a play being lit up by the theatre spotlight.    

Jiang Zhi’s photograph Things would turn nails once they happened is one part of his Light series, which goes beyond photo-documentation, but rather is a recording of a conceptual performance by the artist.  The nail house symbolized the insistence of the people for property rights, glorified by the artificial spotlight. 



由于这样的场景极富视觉冲击力,它的照片一在互联网上出现,马上就引起巨大的轰动,得到非常广泛的民间支持和国际媒体关注,被网民称为中国“史上最牛的钉子户”。 另一方面,它之所以被世人关注,因为在长久和未来的历史语境中,它都是一个足以铭记的标本,中国物权法史上一个经典案例。这个顽强的“钉子户”,就这样把自己牢牢钉进中国城市化运动的历史。 



